
Why Did I Do This?

Why Did I Do This?

Ronnie Colvin, MS, CFP® | Jul 9, 2023

When I decided to close my RIA and go down this road of being a fractional planner, you can well imagine I got a lot of questions about it, most of which revolved around my "why". So let's chat about my why and what I hope to do with my business and career for a minute.

Advisor Advice: Good Notes Are Critical

Advisor Advice: Good Notes Are Critical

Ronnie Colvin, MS, CFP® | Jul 9, 2023

When you're ready for your firm to be more than just a purely solo operation, your ability to take good, clear, and consistent notes during your client meetings will be a massive piece of your success or failure.

Planning Assumptions and The "House Rules"

Planning Assumptions and The "House Rules"

Ronnie Colvin, MS, CFP® | Jun 23, 2023

Whether you're a contract planner, a junior associate, or a paraplanner, understanding the needs of the advisor is crucial for success. To kick off the planning process, we need to define what the advisor wants and how they want it.

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